Go Green With Your Website

Eco-friendly websites

Through low-carbon accreditation and planet-friendly web performance, our Eco Audit gives your site the green light. We’ll talk you through how it works below…

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The Importance of a Sustainable Site

There’s no shortage of worrying-looking figures concerning the Internet’s effect on our planet.

For a start, if the Web was a country, it’d be the world’s 7th largest polluter. Then there’s the fact that it also uses 10% of the electricity across the entire planet.

Why? Because the average website produces a massive 1.76g of carbon per page view. For a site that gets around 30,000 monthly page views, that’s 53kg of carbon every single month – or 636 kilos per year!

Growing Emissions

As digital technology keeps evolving, the impact it’ll have on the environment will only get worse. That 10% figure mentioned up top is estimated to become 20% by 2025 – an amount that’ll account for 5.5% of global carbon emissions.

That’s more than the majority of some countries’ total emissions.

What we’re doing to help

Our Eco Audit aims to curb the effects of these issues by aiming to reduce our clients’ digital energy consumption, decrease their carbon footprint and start promoting a healthier digital ecosystem

We’ve partnered with the Eco-Friendly Web Alliance, the world’s first – and most trusted – eco standard for the Web, to help optimise our clients’ websites so they emit less than just 1 gram of carbon with every page load.

Want to start saving the planet? Fill in the form for your free assessment.


How our Eco Audit works

Going green with BANC looks like this…

1. Assessment

We’ll submit your website for an Eco-Friendly Web Alliance (EFWA) assessment – at no cost, btw – so we can see the changes you need to make to achieve 1g of carbon per page, and full accreditation to go with that.

2. Audit

Our UX and Web Development teams will comb through your website’s infrastructure to identify the areas we can make eco-friendly.

3. Implementation

Once we’ve agreed on scope and resources, we’ll get those changes actioned so your site stays in line with green best practices.

4. Accreditation

You’ll then be accredited by the EFWA! As well as an accreditation badge, we’ll also send over marketing assets so your business can show off your new credentials on social and across your PR.

5. Training

As well as clear guidelines, our web team will get you trained up on becoming internal champions for website management best practices across your business – so you can keep hold of your accreditation, and educate colleagues with.

6. Monitoring

Websites rarely stay the same. As your site evolves, we’ll monitor changes and carry out health checks every quarter. This way, you’ll maintain your accreditation, and we’ll help identify even more opportunities for your site to enhance compliance.

Why choose Eco Audit?

Beyond accreditation, there are plenty of additional benefits instore once your cleaner, greener website is up and running, including…

Enhanced reputation and credibility

Don’t just talk the talk, show your support of green initiatives with an industry-standard co-sign your customers will love.

Clear support of Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental, Social and Governance initiatives

A pro-society, pro-environment stance – with key insights and data to make your planet-friendly efforts even stronger.

Greater customer and employee trust

By making your actions clear and transparent, you’ll give customer and colleague trust an all-important boost.

A future-proofed website

Go long term with your success thanks to a digital homebase that stays current – while your competition falls behind.

Optimal SEO and UX results

An experience they’ll love with a site that’s optimised for search, we’ll get you big results without the carbon footprint to match.

Eco Friendly Web Alliance Hubspot WP Engine