Nido Living

Nido Living is a provider of student and young professional co-living accommodation in the UK, Ireland, Portugal and Germany – and part of an investment-backed property development initiative.

“A hugely challenging web build project, complete with problematic integrations and a rapidly-expanding scope; our work with Nido Living pushed our capabilities to the limit. However, the team managed to innovate solutions to incredibly complex problems, and delivered a site that looks great and provides exceptional functionality.”


What the client thought they wanted

Looking to grow across the UK and make the move into overseas markets, Nido asked us to take a look at their website and digital marketing strategy to help them achieve these goals. At the same time, they wanted to capitalise on the burgeoning ‘co-living’ market and begin targeting young professionals.

Since we knew our stuff in the student sector, we were more than ready for the challenge.

What we realised they needed

Knowing there was a lot that Nido Living wanted to achieve, we needed to go big. Being given the keys to their site was a good start, giving us what we needed to make significant changes to their booking system.

Where entry to overseas markets was concerned, it was clear that the end decision-maker was more likely to be a parent than a student – something we needed to take into consideration over the course of the project, too.

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What we did for them

To make sure they were targeting that new parent segment, we also carried out a customer discovery and segmentation strategy, and then coupled this with a brand-new, best-in-class WordPress website that properly spoke to the needs of each group.

By integrating our own custom interface with Nido Living’s third-party booking engine, we were able to unleash a few industry firsts that allowed their audience to interact with ‘live’ booking information. With this new system, users could view interactive floor plans, pick the exact room they wanted to live in, view key details and pricing, and – best of all – go through the transaction without bouncing to a new site.

We also launched an extensive Digital Marketing strategy so we could capture the imagination of students at the top of the funnel – and reassure parents at the bottom.

How it helped

With everything up and running system-wise, and a roadmap that was fully aligned to the business’ key milestones, Nido Living were able to maximise their commercial returns, and make sure they were targeting new customer groups at the times that mattered most. 

The upshot of all of this? More revenue per room, reduced costs for every booking and one very happy client.

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occupancy consistently by target milestones


reduction in cost per booking


client satisfaction survey against the brand’s KPIs

“Without getting into the nuts and bolts of it all, our work for Nido was a real chance to show off more of BANC’s technical skills. It took a lot of time and effort, but I’m really proud to have been part of a team that pulled off what is actually a really innovative, industry-first solution”.

Eco Friendly Web Alliance Hubspot WP Engine