
Glint is a FinTech business, operating the world’s first gold-based savings and payments digital platform.

The business offers their App technology and Mastercard-backed payments system globally but, right now, market themselves specifically through the website to the UK, US and Japan – with plans to roll things out further afield in future.

“Alongside our marketing efforts, we had to adapt a reactive web maintenance and update process to ensure Glint’s web presence is up-to-date with the latest rules, regulations and standards.”


What the client thought they wanted

Glint wanted to make waves. Aiming to increase downloads and usage of the app, they had their sights firmly set on some big growth targets, including expanding their presence in the US market.

But with a relatively new product and website, they weren’t quite sure how to go about achieving these goals.

What we realised they needed

Glint hadn’t invested in SEO previously. Because of this, we had to tinker with the nuts and bolts of their website, making a platform switch and a number of design and structural changes so we could improve targeting.

And in order to spread their name further, we needed to step up their Content game, too.

alternate phone falling glint 1

What we did for them

With a stronger technical foundation set up through a website that ran smoother, looked better and performed more optimally, we then turned the SEO strategy up a notch. To do this, we brought in market research, keyword analysis, trends and grouping to formulate a heavyweight Content Marketing and Digital PR plan.

We also made sure the approach was targeted to specific regions too, so we could elevate both Glint’s standing and their first-to-market proposition among audiences we knew it’d strike a chord with.

How it helped

Through the work we carried out for Glint, we were able to raise a whopping £3.8m in crowdfunding to get the startup itself off the ground.

Now with their increased awareness among audiences we targeted, sign-ups to Glint’s app also skyrocketed while their site was buzzing with a lot more organic traffic.

Diverse Team of Professional Businesspeople Meeting in the Office Conference Room. Creative Team Around Table, Black Businesswoman, African-American Digital Entrepreneur and Hispanic CEO Talking.

in crowdfunding raised thanks to BANC’s activity


increase in app sign-ups


increase in organic visits 3 months post-launch

“Tasking BANC with comprehensive web updates, we were impressed with the service, support and assets they delivered. Attentive of our needs yet willing to step in with smart, creative solutions, the team has exceeded expectations, bringing real originality and flair to the project.”

Eco Friendly Web Alliance Hubspot WP Engine