Hines (aparto)

Aparto provides modern accommodation to students and young professionals in some of the biggest cities and university towns across the UK, Ireland, Italy and Spain.

“Moving Aparto from their old archaic CMs gave their site a new lease of life. They immediately benefitted from greater functionality, flexibility and usability – so, more members of their team and the BANC team could make on-site changes with minimal fuss.

Mathieu Muller, Lead Engineer

What the client thought they wanted

With more choice than ever, student accommodation is a highly competitive market.

Aparto initially came to us so they could increase occupancy across their properties, and at the same time, improve revenue per room. To do this, Paid Search campaigns would be the way forward. Or so they thought.

What we realised they needed

We were more than happy to manage Aparto’s Paid Search campaigns, but we’re always looking for other ways we can give brands a boost.

After redesigning a slick new website for them, we uncovered a number of other areas Aparto could be improving – proposing a 360-degree Digital Strategy which unlocked investment even further.

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What we did for them

We dove deep into their analytics, management information and market data – all of which showed us that Aparto’s systems, processes and pricing tactics were a little on the weaker side.

To beef things up, we refreshed Aparto’s website and improved their booking systems to allow for dynamic room availability and pricing based on both capacity and demand.

We then rolled out an extensive digital acquisition strategy which struck a chord with their audience and got more people flooding into their site, regardless of what stage of the journey they were at.

How it helped

Our systems refresh and holistic Digital Marketing strategy really paid off, giving Aparto’s revenue rates per room – across all of their locations – a comfortable boost. The amount of people visiting Aparto properties for in-person tours went through the roof too – figuratively, of course!


increase in room tours


increase in conversion rate


increase in revenue per room

“I think the work we carried out here shows how we don’t like to settle when it comes to improving client performance. We were brought in for one thing and then ended up adding value to other areas of a business. There’s a real dedication to going the extra mile that our clients love us for”.

Eco Friendly Web Alliance Hubspot WP Engine